Sunday, August 16, 2009

JCI Penampang Sabah Environmental Recognition Nite- 25 July 2009

This is the Sabah Environmental Recognition Nite dinner function pics on 25 July 2009 at Sutera Harbour resort in KK that JCI Penampang members were invited to attend.
Our project; the Moyog river cleanliness campaign was one of the various environmental themed projects nominated that day and we were one of the finalists. They had some guitarists from KL playing the guitars and singing and a school dance and light performance with an environmental theme.
To cut things short, in the end we get to didnt win the special best environmental project award (that went to some Ranau? folks and their kampong homemade hydro electric power plant) but instead we won "The most outstanding environmental friendly NGO organisation award". woo woo..
After which we then proceeded to Rawk pub in Penampang (band nite Sat)to celebrate our win with a bottle or 2 of Johnny's..yay!..prost,slainte,cheers..

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