Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Born again Blogger. 2013

Yes, its been ages since I last blogged. Apologies. The fact I'm now a journo writing for a daily newspaper makes me hesitant/lazy to update my blog. It feels like more of work doing all this writing (wot?! more typing on the keyboards writing stuff? ) but then again I realised recently there are things that the normal papers wont cover and it is these things that I shall attempt to cover cum  address in my blogs. Things other than my increasingly hum drum reporter existence..yes I'm an Aries, we're easily bored my monotonous humdrum local stuff .

Ok so whats coming up..well I just returned not too long ago from the UK. 14 days of smashing fun- but not including the St Jude storm..just the biggest storm to hit the UK in a bloody decade..crap timing..
never mind..it chronicles my travel to my 'mother country', Great Britain, the only country in my honest opinion that about treated us right until they decided to wash their hands off us and leave us to the vultures from the Peninsular in the late50-early60s (well its true what if you compare with the raw deal bona-fide Sabahans are getting from those Putrajaya and their local Grima Wormtongues,dont bother looking at the local history texts cos its all just pig shit propaganda design to cover up the real history and plant a KL only history- I burned my Form 5 history textbooks with pride and dance around the fire with a whisky on the rocks in my hand and whooping like one of the lost boys from Peter Pan)..but i digress..now where was I ..ahhh yes ..I was away from all the local BS about politics, religion strife and racial disharmony in Sabah and especially Malaysia. Good stuff being away.

So lie back ladies and gents, the show is about to start soon..