Yes, its been ages since I last blogged. Apologies. The fact I'm now a journo writing for a daily newspaper makes me hesitant/lazy to update my blog. It feels like more of work doing all this writing (wot?! more typing on the keyboards writing stuff? ) but then again I realised recently there are things that the normal papers wont cover and it is these things that I shall attempt to cover cum address in my blogs. Things other than my increasingly hum drum reporter existence..yes I'm an Aries, we're easily bored my monotonous humdrum local stuff .
Ok so whats coming up..well I just returned not too long ago from the UK. 14 days of smashing fun- but not including the St Jude storm..just the biggest storm to hit the UK in a bloody decade..crap timing..
never chronicles my travel to my 'mother country', Great Britain, the only country in my honest opinion that about treated us right until they decided to wash their hands off us and leave us to the vultures from the Peninsular in the late50-early60s (well its true what if you compare with the raw deal bona-fide Sabahans are getting from those Putrajaya and their local Grima Wormtongues,dont bother looking at the local history texts cos its all just pig shit propaganda design to cover up the real history and plant a KL only history- I burned my Form 5 history textbooks with pride and dance around the fire with a whisky on the rocks in my hand and whooping like one of the lost boys from Peter Pan)..but i where was I ..ahhh yes ..I was away from all the local BS about politics, religion strife and racial disharmony in Sabah and especially Malaysia. Good stuff being away.
So lie back ladies and gents, the show is about to start soon..
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
NBLFC's best moments captured on Red Devils were dealt a 2-0 defeat by Liverpool

North Borneo Liverpool Fan Club (NBLFC) organised a supporters/fan outing at Eclipse cafe to witness the epic Liverpool vs Manchester United battle last Saturday play out on the big projector screen with serious speakers/sound systems. NBLFC president Danny sponsored a 2L bottle of JW Black Label specially for the event and there was beer as well-Carlsberg of
The pub served up pipping hot fried chicken wings and fries to go with the drinks..perfect for a footie match for hungry supporters
Being appointed the club photographer for the event, I pretty much positioned myself in a good spot and was lucky to succesfully capture the die hard supporter's interesting antics and the memorable key moments on camera..
Half the time i was using my 50mm f1.8 and 10-20mm f4-5.6 sans flash (hence the blurs when someone moves to much as the camera is shooting in a pretty low light environment) avoid using too much flash as I doubt they'd appreciate me going paparazzi on em and blinding em during a key
All in all it was a fun shoot for me and a really great night for the members as u can see. I hope to be able to do more match outings for them in the seems I will never be shooting alone either then. Lol
Thursday, October 22, 2009
JCI Malaysia ANC in Ipoh Perak

Ipoh, Perak in West Malaysia...dang, its been some years since I was last there..of course it was during my days in Sunway College..oh.. lets see now 1992-3? How much has changed or not changed at all in that more or less looks like the same as i left it ..does anything change there at all development wise?-hmm maybe only the state govt ..haha.. anyway I digress..
Ok this time round I was sent over as part of the Penampang JCs (short for Junior Chamber) contingent from Sabah to the JCI Malaysia Annual National Congress which happens to ta da da da in West Msia this year..yap..its Ipoh's turn to host..
So you may ask, whats there to do in Ipoh if ur only got 3 packed& busy days? Umm..IMHO nothing really..
Yes thats right..not much..unless you have ready transport to bring you around this spread out surburban city with scarce skyscrapers and limited shopping centres/malls eg Tesco very far from the shopping like KL? nope..not a chance.
Food haven?..umm yes,supposedly Ipoh is supposedly well known for its tasty dishes..
but generally the fewd I got to taste wasn't as good as I'd hoped (err ok lar except for the dim sum) but in consolation at least it was still better than KL food which was as usual a big joke and Ipoh fewd prices was stil pretty cheap.
and letsee what else Kampar chicken biscuits?..(sadly didnt have a chance to bring back some- no time to run around and taxis are pretty difficult to get over there, and the shops close pretty early..cant find it in Ipoh Parade even!@_@..what lar?!...bummer.
Anyway as mentioned ealier the all u can eat dim-sum lunch was the most memorable to me where we whacked the dimsums till we were royally stuffed..blissss-I think the bill came to Rm 170++ for our table only...hehe ) but it was a shame the final dinner night ball menu was horribly horribly CHEAP for a grand ball event. Macam kantin food..1 serving of multiple small portions..what an utter disapointment.. Ugghhh! Horrors..
Anyway on another wasnt all fun and games for me, it seems that I was the ( unofficially appointed ) photographer/ videographer/chronicler for the chapter ..(must be on account of my DSLR... doh)
Why do I say that? Well guess who do they look for everytime when its picture taking time..haha...of course lucky for me there's my good friend aka ' stalwart assistant' Ely with his bridge camera there as well to take over my position while i take 5 and raid the tasty fewd and coffee
So long story short, we arrived late on the first day, missing the opening night Tambun Lost World theme park welcoming party event ( yes, we were booked on a 'cheaper' flight late afternoon to KL LCCT via airasia to save costs but the coach traveling time from KL to Ipoh was umm..3+ hours..from a fixed starting schedule of 6pm. so confirm that event cant make it...oh well..
So since the Tambun event is cleary a total loss, (and it rained as well by the time we got there) we dourly headed straight for the Hotel Impiana where the ANC was to be held over the next 3 days. ooo..hotel 24hr aircond and buffet meals...yea luv it..rolling rolling on cold new linen sheets and sleeping like a piggy until its time to get oo.
On the last night we organised our customary ANC room party and it was a fun event. The Penampang, Intan & KK JCI chapters whipped up a great party event and the room table was turned into a makeshift bar and on it were piled bottles of Gentleman JAck, Absolut/JD/Dewars/CaminoTequila, Black Label and when room service came with tasty chicken wings and was one word....sweeett!
Everyone had a great time drinkng/eating and chit chating, and slowly we got more and more people coming over from the other chapters and soon the whole room was packed until it spilled outside-the smokers being outside of course.
I heard there were other small closed room parties going on with the other chapters but it seems they got couldnt really hold their liquor and were wasted early and that was the end of that..wat larrr..sheesh..oh well too bad..hahahaha..our was the biggest and the best lasting into the wee morning hours. Unfortunately our bus pickup and ride back to LCCT was at 3.30am so we couldnt stay until the end..oh well.
Oh in case ur wondering about pictures of the people signing in ..we even made up a party attendance form jus for fun (yes 45+ people in that small room) where everyone had to sign in before proceeding.... you cannot passss!! says Rachel-dalf & Rina-dalf the gatekeeper...gota sign in first pls then u can..p.s.ignore si Brian tu sebelah Rina, menyibuk ja wana be Brian-dalf hassle Takeshi..haha
ANC 2009,
JCI Intan,
JCI Malaysia,
JCI Penampang,
JCI Sabah,
Room Party
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